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Your Life Has Purpose is a minority-owned company that specializes in creating children’s books that feature underrepresented minorities in various sports, such as swimming, biking, snowboarding, fencing, skiing, hockey, and triathlons. Each book is written to inspire and encourage readers of all ages. The goal is to allow readers to explore the topic and see themselves represented in the story.


To create books that tell a unique perspective, reflecting and illustrating stories that amplify representation in all sports, because:

Author by Necessity

My first book “I am a Triathlete ‘  was written to encourage readers to explore swimming , biking and running. Then something happened. I could not shake the statistics reflecting the lack for minorities’ representation in characters and authors. So a new series was born “Exploring All I Can Do.” This series is the answer to the gap in content reflecting minorities.  It is the answer to the need to have sports, fitness and adventure to reflect the society we live in.

As a children’s author, I am honored and humbled to share my stories with readers of all ages. It brings me great joy to know that my books will inspire future generations to not only see themselves represented in sports but to SEE themselves. I invite readers to explore all of their potential and not be confined by societal expectations. Through representation in literature, children can see themselves reflected in the stories they read, helping them envision possibilities beyond their current circumstances.

When You Explore All You Can Do, You Find That Your Life Has Purpose!